About the Association

Association of Grain Regulatory Officials (AGRO) is a service organization of people dedicated to serving state, federal and provincial governments, warehousemen and producers alike in the advancement of good relations. Giant strides forward have been made by this organization since its inception in 1939. Mr. Scott S. Bateman, Kansas, and Mr. Turner Morton, Missouri, were originators of the organization. They wrote letters to all states informing them of the first meeting to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 1 and 2, 1939.

The Association was first named the National Association of State Licensed Warehouse Departments. Later the Association was renamed the Association of American Warehouse Control Officials (AAWCO). In July of 2009, the Association adopted the name, Association of Grain Regulatory Officials. The name changes were to reflect the Associations growing scope of membership and the member’s regulatory duties.

The Association is a voluntary organization and serves as a conference body of agricultural warehouse control officials for the study and solution of mutual problems involving the industry served. The Association acts as a clearinghouse for the collection and dissemination of information regarding present and proposed legislation affecting the Agricultural Warehouse and Commodities Dealer laws and their administration. It is the purpose of the Association to promote and attain more uniformity between regulatory agencies.

The Association has a board of directors and various standing committees that function throughout the year. Officers are selected from different geographical locations to give the Association a broad base of expertise. Annual conferences are held for the exchange of information among members and affected industries.

Many members have an Agricultural Warehouse law and/or an Agricultural Commodities Dealer law to administer. Some members have a Moisture Meter Testing law and/or a Grain Inspection and Weighing law that they administer as well. Some members also have established a Warehouse or Grain Indemnity Fund to oversee.

The Association offers affiliate membership to any person having a mutual interest in the purchase and storage of agricultural commodities. Such affiliate member may participate in all discussions and business of the Association but carry no vote on business matters. The Association is an affiliate member of NASDA.

The Association has authored a Model Agricultural Warehouse law and established standards (AGRO EDI) for transfer of warehouse records electronically to aid in audit process of grain warehouse facilities. The Association has worked in conjunction with federal authorities to establish electronic grain warehouse receipts.

The Association, through its members, stands ready to assist any regulatory agency in the development or revision of an Agricultural Warehouse or Commodities Dealer law, a Moisture Meter Testing law, a Grain Inspection and Weighing law or an Indemnity Fund. Upon request, the Association will send a member or members to offer technical advice and assistance in the promotion of appropriate legislation or in the drafting of proposals for new laws.

Through the efforts of the Association, members are constantly updating their laws, regulations and auditing procedures to insure that depositors, producers, lending institutions and bonding companies have the best protection and service available.

© 2024 Association of Grain Regulatory Officials
For questions contact Eric Hanson, AGRO Secretary

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
2811 Agriculture Dr. | P.O. Box 8911 | Madison, WI 53718